Get in touch with us

Requests for autograph cards
Please send your letter with reply envelope (format C5/C6) to the following address:

Sauber Motorsport AG
Wildbachstrasse 9
CH-8340 Hinwil

For postage and handling:
For requests from Switzerland, please enclose a pre-stamped return envelope. Europe: 2 Coupon-Réponse International or 3 Euro International (overseas) : 2 Coupon-Réponse International or 4 USD On average, it takes 2 months for you to receive an answer.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer factory tours for fans or companies.

Contact us
Call us
+41 44 937 90 00

Find us
Sauber Group of Companies
c/o Sauber Motorsport
AG Wildbachstrasse 9
8340 Hinwil

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Sauber Technologies
If you are interested in the high-end engineering, design and aerodynamics services offered by Sauber Technologies, please visit the Sauber Technologies website for more details and contact information